Rahu & Ketu and Their Significance - KP (Krishnamurti Paddhati)

1. Rahu & Ketu as Agent: Rahu or Ketu is not allotted the ownership of any sign. It only occupies the sign in a house. So Rahu or ketu works as an agent or representative of: a) The planet with whom it is in conjunction or aspect. b) The owner of the sign in which it is placed. Example birth horoscope: a) Rahu occupies the house 2, it is in conjunction with Moon which owns 7 and occupies 2. Son it will work as agent of Moon and it will signify the matters of the houses 2 and 7. Rahu is aspected by Mars which owns 4, 11 and occupies7. So it will indicate the matters of the houses 4, 7 and 11 as an agent of Mars. Rahu occupies Pisces the sign owned by Jupiter and it is also aspected by Jupiter which owns 3, 12 and occupies 10. So as an agent of Jupiter it will denote the ...