8TH House in Astrology

Ayur Bhava-8th House Longevity.

The Life of a native may be classified under three division as follows:   

Alpayus or Short Life (Up to 33 years)
·        Madyayus or Intermediary life (34 to 66 years)
·        Poornayus or Full Life (beyond 66 years)

Aplayus(Short Life):-
If the Lord of the 8th House situated in a constellation whose Lord occupies an enemy’s House debilitation or becomes weak, the native will not live beyond 33 years. Anyhow, if this Lord is aspected or joined by the Benefit planets of the Lagna under which the native is born, the life will extend to the completion of 33 years. Otherwise the native’s death will occur before 33 years.

Madyaus (Intermediary Life):-    
If the Lord of 8th House occupies constellation whose Lord is situated in a friendly House the native lives upto 66 years. If one of the malefic planets of the Lagna aspects or join this Lord (Constellation Lord). The death will befall the native before the end of 66 years.

Poornayus (Full Life):-
The Lord of the constellation in which the Lord of the 8th House, he gives full life to the native; but the period of the life given by planet by its occupation in its own house will be less than that which is given by the planet occupying its House of exaltation. In the case of exaltation, the native will live beyond 77 years. This holds good only when there is no connection whatever between the constellation Lord and the malefics.

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