What are Karka(Significator) in Vedic Astrology???

Below are the planets and the houses they are karaka of:

Sun: The ascendant(1st House), 10th House
Moon: 4th House
Mercury: 10th House
Venus: 4th House, 7th House
Mars: 3rd House, 6th House
Jupiter: 2nd House, 5th House, 9th House, 11th House
Saturn: 6th House, 8th House, 10th House, 12th House

Rahu and Ketu are not Karka of any houses.

How to use Karaka(Significators) in Birth Chart:

In a birth chart, certain planets are responsible for certain things no matter where they are placed in the horoscope. They are known as the significators.
If you have a cancer ascendant, then 2nd house is controlled by Leo, whose ruler is the Sun. That means the native's wealth, family and speech is controlled by the condition of the sun, However, Jupiter is the karaka or the (significator) of the 2nd house. This means, even though Sun might be well placed, if Jupiter is not in a good position in this horoscope, then wealth, family and speech could suffer or will give average result, Whenever you are trying judge the condition of the 2nd house, don't just look at the lord of the 2nd house, unless it's Jupiter himself, but also look at the placement and condition of Jupiter who is the karaka of the 2nd house.

Anytime you want to look at someone's marriage, don't just look at the 7th house but also look at Venus.

Remember one thing,
Jupiter=Husband in a woman's chart.
Venus=Wife in a man's Chart.

A man should look at the 7th House and condition of Venus do determine their marriage prospects while woman should look at the 7th house, Venus and Jupiter.

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