5th Bhava - House of Children
Before examining the Putra Bhava or the 5th House
a thorough examination of the 7th House is absolutely essential for
it is the House which indicates the procreative power of the native .When the
procreative power of the native is weak, what is the benefit of examination of
the 5th House, in which, perhaps, adopted children are indicated?
following are conditions which are to be seen in this connection:
1. When the Lord of 7th House occupies Saturn or
Mercury's constellations which are effeminate the native will not have
procreative powers. In these cases Saturn in the constellations of Mercury or Saturn
occupy male or female planets ,the above rules holds good; that is to say, Saturn
or Mercury planets for the native to become unproductive.
2. When the planet owning the 7th House is
deprived of its Guna, the power of procreation of the native will be at its
lowest ebb.
3. If the Lord of the constellation in which the lord of the 7th House is situated, be weak or powerless, the procreative power of the
native also becomes weak.
4. The Planet which occupies the 7th House should
also be examined for predicting the power of procreation of the native.
5. The weakness or strength of the planet which aspect powerfully
the 7th House or its Lord, should also be taken into consideration
when the procreative power of the native is to be predicted.
A careful and balanced judgment is to be made before
venturing to predict about Putra Bhava or 5th House.
Female or Male issues of the native will be indicated by the
constellation in which the Lord of 5th House is situated. Not only this but
also an examination of the planet which is in 5th House or which
aspects the 5th House, or which join the Lord of 5th House,
is required: the position, power, nature of these said planets should also, be
taken into consideration.
It is necessary to examine, the 9th House also in
conjunction with the aforesaid ruling as the 9th House become 5th
House, from the 5th House from Lagna.
The number of children for which there is a possibility of
births for the native, will be indicated by combined numerical value of the
number of Padas, or quarters, of the constellations occupied by the lord of the
5th, the planet aspecting the 5th House and its Lord and planet occupying the
5th House.
The birth of children will be in the constellations or
Lagnas of the planets connected with the Putra Bhava.
Whenever the planet which is responsible for the birth of
children has connections with malefic, loss, deformity or sicknesses are
indicated to the issues.
The Lord of 9th House which represent Father, are
in the constellation Pushyami. Father’s birth constellation is Pushyami. Fifth
from Lagna for child is occupied by Mercury.
And hence a child was born in Virgo Lagna.
Further this Mercury is in Visaka, which is Jupiter’s constellation.
Hence there is birth in Visaka.
Birth of a deformed child to the native.
Capricorn Lagna.
Lord of Fifth House Venus is in 12 with Jupiter. Jupiter is
a malefic to this Lagna, because he is the Lord of the third and twelfth house
and in swakshetra.
Native has one dumb child and another dull amongst other
healthy, normal child.
Lord of 5th House is Mercury, in Gemini his own
House. Yet a child is born dumb.
See Mercury in Punarvasu, Jupiter’s constellation. Jupiter
to this Lagna is Lord of 8th and 11th House and hence a
Comparative study of Horoscope of Husband and Wife to
exactly determine and prove positively that the birth of children occur when
the planetary Periods in both the horoscope are one and the same.
Moon Dasa was ruling the wife.
- The Husband’s horoscope that Ravi is remaining in Pubba –Sukra’s
wife horoscope that Moon is remaining in Bharani-Sukra’s constellation.
Pubba and Bharani are female constellations Hence the birth of female
children only.
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