Result of Venus in different Constellations
Venus (And Moon)
When Venus is in his own Constellation and provided he is a benefice .He produces good results as marriage in the family,wealth from women,gains through trade etc. The native is also honoured.
In Saturn's and Kethu's Constellations :- Venus is not happily placed. The results will be unfavourable to the native. But if Saturn and Kethu's happen to be Yoga - Karakas, the native escapes from the adverse effects.
In Rahu's Constellations :- Through the results may not be very good , some unexpected good will be enjoyed by the native .
In Sun's Constellations :- Especially, when both Venus and Sun are benefits, the native will enjoy the benefits of Rajayog. The native will get wealth, honours etc according to the owner ships of Venus and sun.
In Moon's Constellations:- Through in the beginning there will be good results, the end will dissatisfying the native. General good result will be, acquisition of wealth from ladies,gains from unthought of sources and travels in cool climatic places. The bad effects will be ill-health in the family,and if Malefic influences combine, fateful results from ill-health will come in results.
In Mars's Constellations:- Venus produces bad effects to the native, as ill-health, anxiety, loss of finance and other difficulties. If however, Mars is either weak, or influenced by benefits, the virulence of the bad effects will be lessened appreciably.
In Mercury's Constellations:- The native becomes famous for his learning, and gains through trade. Mental culture will be. Improved as well as appreciation of art and literature.
In Jupiter's Constellations:- The effects will generally be good. The native earns well, enjoys happiness from birth of children and auspicious ceremonies etc. An interest in puranic religious literature is also created.
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