Results of Saturn on different constellations

                     Saturn (And Rahu)

When Saturn in yoga Karaka's constellations,and in his proper Guna the  then the native will enjoy good results as happiness, contentment,success in attempts, profits through black materials etc.                 

In Rahu's or his own constellations:- The effects will be bad , in the beginning. The native's health will be disturbed, enmity with relations will be caused,and sometimes there will be danger from poison also.But the native  will in the end get over these difficulties when the results will also be good.                            

In Kethu's Constellations:- The native will enjoy very good result when Kethu's is not unfavourable to the native.                                                          

In Sun's Constellations:- Here the results will be bad to the native. He will sustain losses of relatives and wealth, will be troubled by the government, and very often aiming. To attain greater objectives, will fall and lose heavily.                           

In Moon's Constellations:- The results will be almost similar to those, in Sun's Constellation. Besides, the native will suffer from Phlegmatic diseases, and will be mentally worried. However, some good results will be forthcoming, as pilgrimages to holy places and consequent peace of mind etc.                                  

In Mars's Constellations:- The results are always bad in this condition. The native suffers losses through fire and enemies, some of his friends will pass away, there will be quarrels and disorders in the family, giving place to discontentment, un happiness and sorrows. The native also sustain  wounds in the body  If The Lordship of the 6th and 8th houses also combine, the results will be very much worse to the native.                                                                 

In Jupiter's Constellations:-The results will be good but will not be very appreciable and the same in the case when Saturn is in Mercury's Constellations. If Mercury or Jupiter is  a Yoga Karaka to the native, he will get back his lost wealth, prospers in his profession and gains dignity and honour by his education.                                                                           

In Venus's Constellations:- The native loses his relations and his wife may pass away. Losses through trade and debts will be incurred.

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