
Results of Mars on different constellation

     Results of Mars on Different Constellation  When Mars is in Yoga karaka's constellations with proper Guna he generally gives good results. The native in such case becomes well known, gains victory in quarrels, and disputes and acquires some property. In the shape of land etc. When Mars is in his own constellations:- Bad effects such as ill-health, poverty death of near relations, troubles from Government etc. attend the native. These bad effects will be aggravated felt by the native if Mars is not also a benefic planet. In addition to being in his own constellations. In Mercury's Constellation:- Similar results  as in Jupiter's will be forthcoming. In addition, the native will proper in trade and his aptitude for art and culture is increased. In The Constellation of  Jupiter:- The native will first experience some difficulties and later enjoy good effects. The good will be happiness of birth of children, acquisition of some property, fame and honor due to mental cul

Result of Planets in Sun Constellations

          Result of Planets in Sun Constellations Sun (and Chandra) If Sun is in his own constellation, he does not produce much good to the native but results will not be as bad as in Saturn's or Rahu's constellations. In Moon's Constellation:- Being the constellations of a friend, Ravi here gives good results as, honors from government and kings, birth of children, success in attempts etc. and makes him well-known. In Mars's Constellations :- The position of Sun is not good to the native who will suffer from ill-health, lose his peace of mind and will involve himself in quarrels and ligations. Deaths may also occur in the family or in the circle of friends. In Mercury's constellations:- The results are similar to those as in Jupiter Constellations. Besides, if Mercury is a benefic planet in the native's chart, he makes the native very prominent in learning, and prosperity in trade is very much increased. In Jupiter's Constellation:- The native will be he

11th House - House of Elder Brothers and Sisters

11th House: Elder Brothers and Sisters. Determine the number of elder brothers and sisters. Karka Lagna:   The 11th house from Lagna governs elder brothers and sisters. 11th from Lagna- Taurus - is Venus's House If Venus in Chitha 3 prior to the native's birth, three were born. Here the number of the Pada in which the Lord of 11th house is situated indicates the number of elders born. Connect with me . If you want to discuss anything on Astrology.

10th House - BUSINESS

 When the Lord of the House under reference is in combination with the Lords of other Houses, avocation of the native will be one pertaining to the powerful planet of the combination. The strongest planet which is the Lord of 10th House or which occupies the 10th House or which aspects the 10th House, is responsible for the profession of the native. As in the case of other Houses, the weakness or strength of this planet should be judged in predicting the results concerning "Jupiter" or profession of native. When the Lord of Jupiter associates with the Lord of 4th House the native may be having an occupation connected with education ,trade etc. The Lord of the constellations in which the planet of Jupiter situates will indicate the native of occupations or avocations of the native as below (A) (i) If it is Sun's constellations, the profession will be connected with medicine,gold, gems etc. The native may also live through paternal property.Government service etc. (ii)If th

9th House -House of Pithru

House of Pithru. As in the case of other 4th and the other Bhava, the position strength and nature of the planets who are associated or connected with the Lord of 9th House, the planets apsecting or occupying the 9th House, should be taken for analysis the Pithru Bhava of the native,Beside this Ravi the Pithru Karaka should also be taken to aid the analysis of the Bhava. The longevity of the father is determined by the 8th  House from 9th ,or in other words 4thHouse from Lagna of the native. Horoscope of  a  native Libra Lagna. 9th from Lagna, governs father. No Planet is occupying 9th House Budha The Lord of 9th House aspects the 9th House. In the addition to this Jupiter and Saturn also aspected the same Bhava. Father's Lagna is Aquarius. Reason for it is:- Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn-all the three aspect the 9th. But Saturn's aspect alone is the strongest,as he is aspecting by his 10th House aspect. Saturn  is Lord of  Capricorn  and Aquarius. Capricorn is  Ken

8TH House in Astrology

Ayur Bhava-8 th House Longevity. The Life of a native may be classified under three division as follows :     Alpayus or Short Life (Up to 33 years) ·         Madyayus or Intermediary life (34 to 66 years) ·         Poornayus or Full Life (beyond 66 years) Aplayus(Short Life):- If the Lord of the 8 th House situated in a constellation whose Lord occupies an enemy’s House debilitation or becomes weak, the native will not live beyond 33 years. Anyhow, if this Lord is aspected or joined by the Benefit planets of the Lagna under which the native is born, the life will extend to the completion of 33 years. Otherwise the native’s death will occur before 33 years. Madyaus (Intermediary Life):-      If the Lord of 8 th House occupies constellation whose Lord is situated in a friendly House the native lives upto 66 years. If one of the malefic planets of the Lagna aspects or join this Lord (Constellation Lord). The death will befall the native before the end of 66 year

5th House Astrology

Panchama Bhava or 5 th House from Lagna governs Children. The horoscope of a native to determine the lagna in which birth of children would occur. Horoscope of a native born in Scorpio Lagna. 5 th House from Lagna governs children. 1st, 5 th , and 9 th House being Konas, They are of special significance for the birth of children. Examine 1 and 9 also in addition to 5. In the 5 th House there is Moon. Moon is the Lord of Karka. There is a child in Karka Lagna. The 5 th House is occupied by Venus and Saturn Taurus and Libra are Venus Signs. There is child in Taurus Lagna. Capricorn and Aquarius are in Saturn House. There is a Capricorn Lagna child also. A Karka Lagna native:- Mars is in 5 th House. Mars is Lord of Aries and Scorpio. There is a child in Scorpio Lagna. Suppose: Rahu is in 9. Rahu is representative of Saturn. Saturn is Lord of Capricorn and Aquarius. There are children in both Capricorn and Aquarius Lagnas. Suppose:   Sun is in 1. He is th